If I want to play some serious poker, I should beat at least three players. He also revealed that Odo, Haren and Mikul play poker. Zoltan says I need to win three or four times to shed my reputation as a novice. Apparently, you can make good money playing if you can find the right opponents. The rest are listed for information purposes. Note: The 100 XP increments listed below are only earned for the first four players, whichever four Geralt plays and wins against first.
If you miss getting this quest from Zoltan in Chapter I, you can still get it from the elven convict in Chapter II in the dungeon.You only have to beat three out of a possible seven novice players, so your journal entries may not include all the entries you see below, nor will the phases you do see necessarily be in the same order as seen here.
Once he has played all three (or in some cases a little later when he has played three novice players - there are more), he reports back to Zoltan who tells him he can start playing for real money: against professional players.
So off goes the witcher, in search of some not too expensive practice rounds. He suggests three that Geralt might try: Mikul, Haren Brogg and Odo. Our hero needs to find his feet, so Zoltan recommends a few games with the local novice players. The dwarf also lets our hero in on a little secret, you can earn some easy cash playing poker. In this quest, Zoltan teaches the witcher the basics of the game and gives him a little background information about how it became so widespread as a pass-time given that the church frowns on the game, not to mention that it is of dwarven invention.