The organic resin bonds with the hull, and is capable of repairing some damage as well as strengthening the armored hull plates providing an additional level of protection against damage and attack. Upgraded with an organic resin developed by the same research which created the bio-neural gel-pack technology used in starship computer systems. Torpedoes: launchers: 3 (2 forward, 1 aft) It is thought that this system, in conjunction with transport inhibitor technology, will also enable the shield system to prevent beam-through by Borg and Dominion transporter technology. Under normal operation the shield modulation frequencies are under the control of the ships computer system, which continually evaluates incoming weapons fire and automatically re-modulates the shields to give the most effective possible defense. was modified just prior to its entering service, in 2376, in order to increase effectiveness against both high-energy tractor beams and phased polaron particles, measures clearly aimed at the Borg and Dominion respectively. This dramatically increases protection against weapons such as the Hellfire, Chronaton, and Transphasic Torpedoes while at the same time helping protect the ship from temporal anomalies. Instead of a standard oval bubble, this layer 'ripples' or waves (like the surface of water) while in a state of temporal flux. This technology was developed in part by the crew of USS Voyager and the Mannheim Research Station. The key to this layer is its ability to 'wave' while in a state of temporal flux. Based on standard regenerative shielding, this is the ship's last shielded line of defense, once this is gone the ships only defense is the Ablative Hull Armor. Layer 1 - The innermost shield layer is a multi-phaseic shield. Once this is analyzed, the computer can automatically configure shield to have the same frequency as the incoming weapon, but to different modulation, which dramatically increases shield efficiency. This shield sends data on what type of weapon is used and what frequency and phase the weapon uses. Layer 2 - The middle layer incorporates automatic rotation of frequency and modulation with meta-phasics, which absorbs enemy fire, spreads it out along the shield. This layer also incorporates transport inhibitor technology, helping prevent an enemy from transporting aboard. Layer 3 - The outermost layer manipulates graviton polarity in a way not typical to shields, creating a graviton flux disruption that prevents many know designs of threat tractor beams from locking on to the vessel. The Multi-Layered Shielding System (M.L.S.S.) Shields: Class 10 Hull Conformal, Regenerative/Auto-Modulating/Metaphasic shielding system Weapons & Defensive Systems Shields & Sensors

that's where myscreencaps came from.Quantum Slipstream Velocity equivalent to 9.999997359835618 ( for 12 hours before a 'cool down' of 7 hours )Ģ (Variable geometry - pivot for warp flight) the msd was showed in the show, episode non sequitur. The yellowstone class was an advanced danube class vessel in an alternate timeline at voyager. While neither name is canon, the latter, Talon, does not conflict with a canon ship as Venture does." It is this ship, with substantial changes, that was the baseline model for the Valkyrie-class fighters in the Activision Playstation game Star Trek: Invasion. The 24 meter long intermediate step between shuttle and runabout, carrying a crew of up to four, was armed with four type 5 phasers and three micro-torpedo launchers. This vessel is also listed in role-playing games, such as those from Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, as a Talon-class ship.

Furthermore, it could possibly conflict with there being a USS Venture around the same time, though this vessel was Galaxy-class in design. "Star Trek: Armada and its sequel give this vessel the classification of "Venture-class", but this has not been canonically identified as such.